Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Human Experience, A Vast Journey

     It's on normal days like these that I find myself in the midst of a great happiness.  For that I thank God, because this world, while a harsh place to live in for many, is also a place of unimaginable wonders.  I think most of us know that on some level.

    At any rate, i just finished watching an episode of New Scandinavian Cuisine on the PBS, and I have to say it was fantastic.  That's one of the shows that makes me feel a strange euphoria and joy, for no overly obvious reasons.  Perhaps it's the combination of cooking delicious food, an interesting and charismatic chef, and the vast outdoors of Scandinavia, but that show has me hooked. 

     It was that show that got me thinking.  What sorts of experiences are available to us?  What makes people happy?  These questions are hard to answer in a broad way, but I think that part of life is finding the answers on a personal level.  I'm blessed to be able to have a huge list of experiences available to me.  As a person who lives fairly comfortably in the middle class, I don't face the troubles some of my friends and acquaintances do, especially in terms of money.  In that regard, the upcoming list is biased towards my experience, as it's what I can write best about at the moment.  (I dearly want to expand my perspectives, and am working hard to do so!)

Cooking:  For pretty much every human, this is an experience that can be enjoyed on a basic level.  The amount of food and dishes in the world is startlingly large, and I think that food is one of the greatest treasures of any place you can go to.  Often times, it's food that helps shape the basic identity of a place.

Art and Writing:  I think that art too is something people can experience on a lot of levels and through different classes.  Writing and Art can provide experiences vastly outside our own.  Poetry, paintings, books, drawings, movies; all of these things can bring us joy and escape in hard times, or bring us back to reality in the easy times.  Writing and Art can also educate, and I find that many times, works of art have deeper meanings that both educate and enlighten those who find them.

Music:  Music is another pillar of humanity.  I honestly think that all things aside, every culture on Earth has some musical tradition.  It lifts the spirit.  I honestly am at a loss for words as to how much I love music.  The infinite rhythms of the world will ring from our souls until time crumbles and the Earth is made anew.

Travel:  This is something I don't think all or even many people get to experience.  It's expensive, and requires a lot of planning to be done right (in my opinion).  Well, actually, there are plenty of ways of getting around the "expensive" part, but that means doubling down on the Planning anyways, so its quite a balanced task.  At any rate, I think that if you can find an opportunity to do so, travelling is one of the best things possible.  Besides being able to see cool places, you can expand your experience.  By going to places that you've never been (the more foreign the better), you can see vastly different art and writing, hear all new music, and taste the best food right from the source. 

Obviously there's a lot more to living life, there's religion, culture, and the very societies we live in.  But I think that taking a look at these pillars of happiness is well worth it.  Taken in moderation, each can help alleviate stress, and make life worth living.

More ramblings to come...    つづく!

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